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Traduções e Modificações / Re:Polish translation of Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 PS2
« Última Mensagem: por Flag King Online Setembro 03, 2023, 01:22:19 pm »
Wow what a impressive work!
Many thanks, man!

I'll download just now!


Traduções e Modificações / Polish translation of Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 PS2
« Última Mensagem: por christoff Online Agosto 20, 2023, 05:40:51 am »
Update #4 - 12.23

Hello again!
This is a Polish translation patch for Outbreak File 2 on PS2.
Patch for Japan version SLPM-65692.
It's even work on real PS2. You can burn a disc and play.
It translate all texts, notes, cutscenes and graphics.

I am grateful to many people for help.
Without them this translation wouldn't be possible.

FAILING FORWARD - Tools for Outbreak's games.
hill73n - Help with translation, hacking.
PhOeNix/killme - Help with graphics.
yzb - Tools for graphics.
Krzysztof Jasiński - Polish translation.
Damin72 - Russian translator, thanks for translation clue.
refan988 - English translation.
SilentHell - English translation.
Fothsid - Maps, XOR.
SolidSnake11 - Maps.
Pamfras2006 - Gallery.
PING250 - Help with translation of few graphics from JPN to PL.
Action - Info and some screenshot's about online.

Some screenshots:

Traduções e Modificações / Re:Polish translation of Resident Evil Survivor on PS1
« Última Mensagem: por Flag King Online Maio 27, 2023, 11:20:48 am »
Hey, Christoff!

Another great work to our RE Community! Congratulations!
I'll play certainly!

Traduções e Modificações / Polish translation of Resident Evil Survivor on PS1
« Última Mensagem: por christoff Online Maio 22, 2023, 11:31:18 am »
I released a Polish translation of Resident Evil Survivor on PS1.
Even It work with gun controller - Gcon 45.
It's fully playable even on real hardware.
All texts, files, cutscenes and graphics was translated.

It was created on base Spain tools and translation:

It's xDelta patch for rom:

Traduções e Modificações / Re:Re:Re:Resident Evil 3 - A satisfação pessoal do Romhacker
« Última Mensagem: por Flag King Online Abril 11, 2023, 02:59:25 pm »
Hello again, Kristoff! I really want to congratulate you! We know how much a translation work can be hard even with a lot of tool we have today.
Receive my sincerely congratulations to your work!
I definitively will download and play your version!

Traduções e Modificações / Polish translation of Resident Evil 3 PC - Sourcenext Edition
« Última Mensagem: por christoff Online Abril 11, 2023, 11:31:12 am »
Hello again. Today I released a package translation. I uploaded it for many websites but I leave here link for nexus mode.

It's for the Sourcenext edition. All texts, cut-scenes, files ,  movie and graphics was translated.
Additionaly some of environment graphics was translated like i.e.
Texts on walls, call boxes on Raccoon streets and some others.

In future maybe I adapt it fully to PS1 version because in past I did some work of it.

Traduções e Modificações / Re:Resident Evil 3 - O clássico em HD!
« Última Mensagem: por Flag King Online Abril 07, 2023, 12:22:49 pm »
Só pra atualizar, não desistimos do trabalho, só estamos dando um tempo... : )

Ps.: Tá quase pronto. Pode sair a qquer momento!
Traduções e Modificações / Re:Resident Evil 3 - A satisfação pessoal do Romhacker
« Última Mensagem: por Flag King Online Abril 07, 2023, 12:13:40 pm »
Oh very cool!
I'm glad to know you do it!

RE3 was my first 100% translation and it was very special to me too!
If you release your work to public, let us to know to help and support if you need!


Traduções e Modificações / Re:Resident Evil 3 - A satisfação pessoal do Romhacker
« Última Mensagem: por Christoff Online Abril 06, 2023, 05:33:03 am »
Hello. I spent 2 days to find a way to edit tim. Maps in RE3 are very non friendly to edit.
Because one .tim is a 2 pictures 2BPP in one 4BPP file and game chooses a pallete to load.

Now I succesfully edited it. There are some little non visible artefacts in game but it's looks very well.

I almost finished translating RE3 to Polish Language. All graphics and texts are done.

I'm from Poland and it's a game of my live. Ofc I like all RE games but Nemesis has a special place in my heart.

RE3 reminds me old times and PSX age.
Traduções e Modificações / Re:Resident Evil 3 - A satisfação pessoal do Romhacker
« Última Mensagem: por Flag King Online Abril 05, 2023, 11:13:57 am »
Hi, Christoff;
It's good to know that there are people interested in romhacking, still!

We did it a long time ago, like a 2006 approximately and I really can't remember how we edited this TIM file. But we did it.
Have you tried to used Timviewer already? This is the 'best simple' tool to exctract *tim images from files and convert to bmp. And re-convert to *tim with no losses.

If you have tried Timviewer already, let me know to we forward to next step;

P.s.: Wow, what a cold where you are! Where you from?

