Update #4 - 12.23
Hello again!
This is a Polish translation patch for Outbreak File 2 on PS2.
Patch for Japan version SLPM-65692.
It's even work on real PS2. You can burn a disc and play.
It translate all texts, notes, cutscenes and graphics.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/111VqhSQRI91xz76r3UdQ1QUzz1D7QScx/view?usp=sharinghttps://megawrzuta.pl/download/1c4c3107ecece0973d06baf71f84ddb2.htmlI am grateful to many people for help.
Without them this translation wouldn't be possible.
FAILING FORWARD - Tools for Outbreak's games.
hill73n - Help with translation, hacking.
PhOeNix/killme - Help with graphics.
yzb - Tools for graphics.
Krzysztof Jasiński - Polish translation.
Damin72 - Russian translator, thanks for translation clue.
refan988 - English translation.
SilentHell - English translation.
Fothsid - Maps, XOR.
SolidSnake11 - Maps.
Pamfras2006 - Gallery.
PING250 - Help with translation of few graphics from JPN to PL.
Action - Info and some screenshot's about online.
Some screenshots: